Ánnámáret lea Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman, Sámi musihkkár gii orru ja bargá Njuorggámis, Suomas.
Maŋŋil go oahpu Uniarts Helssega Sibelius- Akademiijas, Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman lea bargan profeššunealla musihkkárin Sámis. Maŋimuš jagiid lea geahčadan iežas fulkkiid juoiganárbevieruid arkiivabáttiin. Dán bárggu geažil lea son ráhkadan multi-hámálaš dáidaga Nieguid Duovdagat – Imaginary landscapes, gos juoigan, dávgečuojanas "jouhikko" ja ođđaáigásaš elektronihkačuojaheapmi leat biddjon oktii videodáidágiin. Su iežas joavku Ánnámáret Ensemble lea álmmuhan guokte skearru (Beallječiŋatin 2011 ja Gollehelmmot in 2016), main leat luođit ja lávlagat maid Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman lea komponeren ja čállán Sámegillii. 2012-2015, Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman barggai Sámi leanadáiddárin. Ánnámáreha gievrudat dáiddárin boahtá das go lea bajásšaddan guovtti kultuvrras, ja dan láhkái son ádde goappaš kultuvrra oktiibeaškkihemiid ja ovttaláganvuođaid.
Ánnámáret is Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman, a Sami musician who lives and works in Nuorgam, Sápmi.
Ánnámáret – Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman, is a musician who belongs to the Arctic indigenous people Sámi. In recent years, she has researched the yoik tradition of her family by studying old archive recordings. As a result of this work, she with her ensemble created the multi-form work of art called Nieguid duovdagat – Dreamscapes, in which yoik, the sound of the Finnish bowed lyre jouhikko and modern live electronics are combined with live visuals. The music of the entity was released as an album in February 2021. Her own band Ánnámáret Ensemble has released two records (Beallječiŋat 2011 and Gollehelmmot 2016), which consist of yoiks and songs that Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman has composed and written the lyrics for in the Sámi language. Ánnámáret gets inspiration to her music from the arctic nature in Sápmi and the Sámi culture and way of living. She makes music and lives on the tundra with her family who are reindeer-herders. Ánnámáret’s strength as an artist springs from having grown up between two cultures and, thus, in understanding these cultures and their collisions and similarities.