Njuohtat, čuovvut iežan dovdduid, govahallat luonddu iežan dovdduid bokte lea mu áidna vuohki oaidnit ođđa árvvuid ja ráhkadit ođđa dáidagiid.
Máŋggaid jagiid leat luondu ja olbmot leamaš deŧáleamos fáttát mu njuohtamiin.
Mu njuohtamat leat dego muitalusat luonddu birra; luonddu árvvu ja lagasvuođa olbmo ja luonddu birra. Go njuođan luonddu, de háliidan deattuhit man deaŧalaččat smávit áššit leat. Lea dego čoakkálmas dovdduiguin ja reflekšuvnnain, ivnniiguin ja masá vajálduvvon muittuiguin.
To paint, following my intuition, to depict nature in the light of my personal sensations is the only way I can see new values and create new art.
For many years nature and men have been the main theme of my paintings. My paintings are like stories about nature, about the value of nature, about the proximity of men and nature. When depicting nature, I wish to emphasize the importance of simple things. It is a kind of a record of sensations and reflection, of colors as well as of almost forgotten memories