Juohke girječálli, jorgaleaddji, čálli, muitaleaddji ja dajahalli guhte leat sámegielat sáhttá ohcat. Miellahttoeavttut vuollelis. Loga daid.
Any Sami visual artist, craftsman, dáiddaduojár, duojár, artistic photographer can apply for membership in Sámi Artist Union – Sámi Dáiddačehpiid Searvi (SDS). To become a member of SDS, the applicant must have 3 points of the criteria mentioned under points 1-8
Namut makkár girjjiid, buktagiid, teavsttaid, lávllateavsttaid, luohtedajahusaid ja / dahje jorgalemiid leat almmuhan. Namut teavstta, maid girjelágádus lea dohkkehan almmuheami várás.
Important: For all exhibitions, state the time, place and exhibition organizer. For decorations/competitions, state the organizer.
8. Positive evaluation when submitting documentation of artistic activity (pictorial material/ video attached to the application). Attachments cannot exceed 50 MB per application. Submit at least 5 works and/or other documentation of artistic activity
– a formal musical background or equivalent prior learning – Work in professional creative artistic production with music – a grounding in Sami culture
Any joiker who masters traditional joik and has knowledge of joik culture may become a member.
To become a member, you must consider yourself Sami and fulfil at least one of the following points: – Film education – Is in education – Has experience as a film worker
- Attachments cannot exceed 50 MB per application. - Attach your CV and anything else you think is relevant. - Links to directly downloadable files may be provided.
File name:
File size:
- CV including documentation for business as a composer - Registered list of works with TONO/STIM/TEOSTO/RAO or equivalent - Selected scores and/or sound recordings from the list of works - Attachments cannot exceed 50 MB per application.
The information is provided to the best of my judgment. I accept the rights and obligations that membership entails. The form submitted through the website by the applicant constitutes an electronic signature.